Post to Post connection can be made with any material but Geneero has a range of anodised aluminium profiles designed for the job. These profiles have a 20x16mm or a 40x16mm hollow into which the Geneero Tab (cut to 20mm or 40mm) can be inserted with an aluminium packer designed for the job and then drilled and bolted.
XR Cross Rail
General-purpose rail with single system channel, for use with any structural section. Used also as the basis for cantilever brackets – see SXR, HB, ASXR.
FCXR Flanged
Flanged version of the CXR rail.
LCXR Lightweight Center Cross Rail
LXR-type rail with two system channels.
FXR Flanged Cross Rail
Flanged version of the XR rail.
LCXR Lightweight Center Cross Rail
Lightweight alternative to the XR rail, for use with any structural / section. Single system channel.
LFCXR Lightweight Flanged CXR
Flanged version of the LCXR rail.
CXR Centre Cross Rail
XR-type rail with two system channels. Can be used with COF flange to support ceiling panels in exhibition structures etc.
LFXR Lightweight Flanged Cross Rail
Flanged version of the LXR rail.
HR Hanging Rail
General-purpose garment rail. Can be cantilevered with HB brackets, or fitted with LXJ-type expansion joint inserts to form a structural rail. Channel in top edge for CS5 plastic strip.
LNU Long Nut – Universal
FP Fish Plate
General purpose fixing allows two lengths of any Click section to be joined rigidly in their length. Commonly used for lengthening CXR ails and DU posts. Must be introduced from the end of the channel.
ND Ceiling Beam Joint for CXR
Clamps to a CXR rail at any point in its length to provide a 90° joint to another rail. Commonly used in ceiling grid structures.
A general purpose fixing nut which can be used in any system channel. Face fitting.
CN Clamp Nut & Screw
General-purpose fixing nut with a patched screw, which locks against the shoulders of a Click channel when turned. Face fitting. (NB: cannot be used with OUL/HU posts: these channels require ESN nuts)
AA Adjustable 90° Angle-Joint
General-purpose 90° angel fix-ing, front-fixes to any system channel.
Call us on 01386 430 121 and be connected with a Geneero Specialist.
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